Our evaluation process begins in early summer. Whether you are in recreational dance or in the intensive study program, all dancers must be evaluated to determine the safe and appropriate level of dance. All student levels are adjudicated with the same material/dance steps. A point value is given to each short combination by three judges, and a total score reflects the individual’s level of core competency. These scores are used to guide the individual towards his or her personal best. Safety is most important within a structure that supports present abilities while pushing the development of stronger ones. To achieve this, our classes are categorized to support our range of talent: Intensive Beginner, Intensive Intermediate 1, Intensive Intermediate 2, and Intensive Advanced. The classes combine two categories for the "performing class", while the "tech" class is specific to the level of study. Each class and category is taught to the higher end of capabilities in order to ensure each student will be challenged while maintaining the safe environment for their long turn goals. The performing classes are combined for a couple reasons. It allows more flexibility in everyones schedule and it broadens the exposure to dance with the dancer's group of peers. This approach was decided after we listened to what our dancers and parents want!
The performing classes are broken into three combination groups which consist of beginner and intermediate 1, intermediate 1 and 2, and intermediate 2 and advanced classes. These are considered performing classes because enrollment in these classes guarantees a performance specifically choreographed for those students in the annual recital. The tech classes which are level specific, while they do not include a performance piece for the recital, allow the student to participate in the opening number during the annual recital. A tech class is required for anyone in a "performance" level ballet class, whether the student is recreational or intensive level of study. Therefore, if a recreational student wishes to perform in more than the opening number, he/she will need to take the tech class as well as performance class.